Yield Problems

New Report Challenges GM Industry Myths
Farming Online, 19 June 2012

"The report GMO Myths and Truths is a detailed study covering everything from the genetic engineering technique through to an analysis of the benefits of GM foods and crops. The report is heavily referenced, allowing the reader to determine the validity of the authors’ conclusions. The section on GM crops’ impact on the farm and environment seriously questions the benefits of growing these crops, citing examples of increased pesticide use, pest resistance, inconclusive yield benefits and their value in feeding the worlds increasing population..... weighing in at over 120 pages ... it’s not the weight that makes for uncomfortable reading but the detailed critique of many of the supposed benefits of GM technology and the fact that these have all been brought together in one report. What makes it even more difficult to ignore is the credentials of the authors concerned, these are not your light-weight anti-everything tree huggers but acclaimed scientists. This should open up the debate at a high level on the benefits of GM crops and be essential reading not just for policy makers. The questions raised in this report are too numerous and serious to be simply disregarded."
New report challenges GM industry myths
Farming Online, 19 June 2012

Click Here To View Report

"Genetically modified crops could help us grow more food on less land in a world struggling to cope with climate change, say biologists. Rubbish, respond those opposed to GM technology — all they do is boost the profits of multinationals. Right now, there is some truth to this criticism. None of the GM crops widely grown around the world are designed to boost yields directly — but that could be about to change. A team of researchers announced today that they have genetically modified wheat to increase the efficiency of photosynthesis. ..... For the field tests, they have created strains of a spring wheat called Cadenza with anywhere from one to six extra copies of the gene for SBPase. Cadenza is an old wheat variety that is no longer grown commercially. If the trial succeeds, newer strains of wheat would need to be modified to create commercial products – but that’s a long way off..."
Trials planned for GM superwheat that boosts harvest by 20%
New Scientist, 4 November 2016

"The nation-wide data on maize, cotton, or soybean in the United States do not show a significant signature of genetic-engineering technology on the rate of yield increase... both GE crops and the percentage of cropping area farmed with no-till and reduced-till practices have increased over the last two decades. However, cause and effect are difficult to determine...."
Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, United States, May 2016

M.S. Swaminathan calls GM crops a failure; Centre’s adviser faults paper
The Hindu, 8 December 2018

GM crops ‘not the answer’ to UK food security
Farmers Weekly, 19 October 2017
GM crops have reached knowledge limit
The Scottish Farmer, 15 October 2017
Molecular and Functional Characterization of GR2-R1 Event Based Backcross Derived Lines of Golden Rice in the Genetic Background of a Mega Rice Variety Swarna
PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169600. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169600

Golden Rice': Unexpected genomic effect
Test-Biotech, 15 February 2017

Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops
New York Times, 29 October 2016

What NASS survey says about soybean protection practices
Agweek, 1 June 2016

National Academy of Sciences Finds Genetically Engineered Crops Not the Solution to World Hunger
Center For Food Safety, 23 May 2016

US NAS report says GM crops safe, but questions benefits
Agrow, 19 May 2016

WTF Happened to Golden Rice?
Mother Jones, 3 February 2016

GM maize MON810 doesn’t give higher yields or reduce pest damage
GM Watch, 9 December 2015

GM soy produces less than non-GMO – university study
GM Watch, 27 November 2015

Generic GMOs Aren’t Going to Bring Down Monsanto’s Empire
Wired, 5 August 2015
Breeder annoyed GM given credit for yield hikes
Western Producer (Canada), 13 November 2014
Canola's growing pains
Farm Weekly (Australia), 6 June 2013

Scientists find multiple problems with GMOs
Mail Tribune, 13 April 2014

U.S. GMO crops show mix of benefits, concerns - USDA report
Reuters, 24 February 2014

Considering conventional soybeans? Here’s some advice
Delta Farm Press, 11 February 2014

Yield or weed control: What’s the trade-off?
Delta Farm Press, 17 January 2014

Study: no yield advantage with GM crops
ABC (Australia), 24 June 2013
North American crops failing with reliance on GM biotechnologies: Study
Xinhua, 19 June 2013
GM a failing biotechnology in modern agro-ecosystems
University of Canterbury press release, 18 Jun 2013
(2013): Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, DOI:10.1080/14735903.2013.806408
Is Monsanto Worthless?
Motley Fool, 8 April 2013
Glyphosate suppresses the antagonistic effect of Enterococcus spp. on Clostridium botulinum
Krüger M, Shehata AA, Schrödl W, Rodloff A.

Anaerobe. 2013 Apr;20:74-8. doi: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2013.01.005. Epub 2013 Feb 6.

US farmers may stop planting GMs after poor global yields
Farmers Weekly, 6 February 2013

Do GMO Crops Really Have Higher Yields?
Mother Jones, 15 February 2013

Bt failure to hit cotton yield by 40%: Govt - Mumbai
DNA (India), 26 November 2012

Review Bt cotton, orders state govt
Times of India, 21 July 2012

Review Bt cotton, orders state govt
Times of India, 21 July 2012

Cereals 2012: GM corn - not a 'panacea'
Farmers Weekly, 14 June 2012

India loses faith in GM cotton
Guardian, 15 May 2012

BT gene in GM crops harmful for growth
Deccan Chronicle (India), 3 June 2011
Glyphosate affects photosynthesis in first and second generation of glyphosate-resistant soybeans
Plant Soil 336, 251–265

A study by the Union of Concerned Scientists has found that food and feed GM crops in the United States have done little to improve crop yields with increases in production coming from other plant breeding technologies (Bloomberg, 14 April 2009)
Poor GM performance leads farmers in Brazil's top soy state to start returning to non-GM soya varieties, but concerns are growing that high performance non-GM lines may not be made available by seed companies in the future (Reuters, 13 March 2009)
Roundup Ready sugar beet has delivered a disappointing performance in its first year of growing in the United States (Farmers Weekly, 6 February 2009)
GM canola in Canada has not increased yields and costs more, and contamination of non-gm crops means that growing the latter is no longer possible (Weekly Times, Australia, 26 February 2009)
GM canola (oilseed rape) has yielded less than non-GM canola in Australian field trials (Australian Associated Press, 16 January 2009)
Non-GM Cotton Just As Or More Profitable As GM (American Society of Agronomy, 11 February 2008)
Problems persist with inadequately tested Bt Cotton varieties in India - Financial Express, India, 5 June 2006
Inferior grain yields from Bt maize - Field Crops Research 93: 199-21, September 14, 2005
Seed yields are down from US GM cotton varieties - Delta Farm Press 18 August 2005
Indian state bans Bt cotton following poor agronomic performance - India News, May 2005
Brazil - GM soya yields hit hard in drought conditions compared to conventional varieties
Crop failure and major   husbandry problems with Monsanto's Bt cotton in India
GM crops under fire after Bt cotton venture fails in India
GM plants no panacea - Monsanto Admits to Bt crop problems - New Scientist Report
USDA Report Exposes GM Crop Economic Myths
'Welsh Farmer' - Flaws in GM crop trials - Feb 2002
Disease hits RR soy - Court awards large damages
Bt cotton fails in Indonesia
Study Questions Widespread Use of Bt Corn
Soya study casts doubt on GM decision making process
Soya realities expose GM hype - yields down, pesticides up
Monsanto 'MAB' progress reinforces positive FAO world food forecast
GM rape heading for agronomic scrap heap?
GM cotton growers hitting fibre quality problems?
Glyphosate treated GM soy regime impact on soil micro-organisms
Effect of RR soy regime on nitrogen fixation
Low Yields from RR soya - Nebraska University Study - Comments by NLP Wessex
Low yields from GM soya - University of Nebraska
Sugar beet study exposes media manipulation by GM industry
GM firm faked test figures - herbicide resistant maize
GM Rape fails to perform as study reveals erroneous basis for UK fieldscale trials
Why millions of acres of underperforming GM crops are being grown in the USA
No yield or cost benefits from Roundup Ready Corn - University of Kentucky Study
(Full RR corn Kentucky report - pdf format - click here)
Low GM soya yields - Wisconsin study short summary
Low GM soya yields - University of Wisconsin
More GM cotton failures in 1998
Low yields from UK GM rape and sugar beet crops - NIAB trials
Little benefit to farmers from GM crops - Farmers Weekly
Monsanto approach to sustainability
Low yields from GM cotton
Monsanto's GM soyabean hit by fungus outbreak
GM potato yields collapse
GM oilseed rape outperformed by traditional unmodified varieties
Monsanto pays millions in compensation to US GM "Roundup-Ready" cotton growers
Cyanamid claim yield losses of up to $43 per acre with Monsanto's GM Soya
Mississippi cotton farmers to sue Monsanto for Roundup-Ready failures
Calgene Flavr Savr tomato defective and withdrawn from market
GM cotton crop failures
New Scientist report on gm cotton failures
New York Times article on gm cotton failures
Boll Drop Problems in Roundup-Resistant GM Cotton
Performance problems with Roundup Ready GM Cotton
Monsanto GM soya defective in hot conditions - (see last item)
Organic soya outperforms conventional soya in drought conditions

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