Original URL http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/nyheter/story/0,2789,243586,00.html

See translation/commentary at bottom for English language explanation

Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet

"Don't trust the American proclamations"
Bo Pellnas: The western world has no way to verify its validity


”Lita inte på USA:s påståenden”
Bo Pellnäs: Västvärlden har ingen möjlighet att kontrollera sanningshalten

STOCKHOLM Om USA skulle presentera graverande uppgifter om Iraks påstådda massförstörelsevapen, har västländerna ingen möjlighet att kontrollera sanningshalten.
  Det säger den pensionerade översten Bo Pellnäs, som själv har upplevt att USA ''fejkade fakta när det passade ens egna intressen''.
USA:s tekniska överlägsenhet ger dess politiker möjlighet att komma med falska uppgifter exempelvis i FN:s säkerhetsråd, säger Pellnäs till TT.
  Vid mitten av 90-talet ledde Pellnäs en internationell styrka som bevakade gränsen mellan Serbien och Bosnien. Han hade god kontroll över ett antal gränsövergångar. USA, som sökte sak med Slobodan Milosevics regering i Belgrad, påstod att lastbilskonvojer passerade gränsen okontrollerade. I säkerhetsrådet visade USA:s utrikesminister foton över konvojerna med uppgift om tid och plats, berättar han i en artikel i tisdagens DN.
  Pellnäs konstaterade att Albright och USA ljög för att driva utvecklingen i säkerhetsrådet i sin riktning. Inga lastbilar hade passerat vid den angivna tidpunkten.

USA "fejkade"
  Det kan hända att Albright själv trodde att bilderna var äkta, säger han nu till TT. Men som helhet var incidenten ett bevis på att USA ''fejkade''.
  USA höll fast vid sina lögner och vägrade Pellnäs kopior av de foton som Albright visat.
  Om USA i fallet Irak plötsligt konfronterar säkerhetsrådet med uppgifter ''som svårligen låter sig kontrolleras'' hamnar övriga medlemmar där i en tvångssituation, eftersom de inte har egna resurser att undersöka fakta. Antingen godkänner de det amerikanska underlaget, vilket då leder till ett FN-stött krig mot Irak, eller också trotsar de USA med osäkra konsekvenser, menar Pellnäs.

EU som motvikt
  Bo Pellnäs hoppas nu att Europa kommer att ta sitt ansvar både med att bygga upp en rejäl underrättelsetjänst och med att politiskt utgöra en motvikt:
  – Det vore en Gudi behaglig gärning om EU kunde se till att balansera supermakten som spelar alldeles ensam på det säkerhetspolitiska planet just nu.

Original URL http://www.unknownnews.net/fis020603.html

  US fabricated evidence in Yugoslavia, says former official
Any US evidence against Iraq should be viewed with skepticism

by Frank in Stockholm,
Unknown News correspondent
February 6, 2003

The US "fabricated evidence" against former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic during clashes between Serbia and Bosnia in the mid-1990s, according to a prominent and experienced international peacekeeping official who served there.

Retired Swedish Brigadier General Bo Pellnas, who was head of UN Military Observers (UNMOs) in Croatia, now says that the US should not be trusted. Pellnas says that he learned to distrust US-provided evidence during peacekeeping service in the former Yugoslavia.

Pellnas's misgivings are described in an article from the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet. Here is an English-language translation of this article:

In an interview with Sweden's leading news-wire TT, retired Brigadier Bo Pellnas claims that the US "faked evidence to suit their own interests."

"If the US were to present evidence of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, the countries of the Western world would have no way to substantiate these reports due to the technical superiority of the US."

These are the words of retired Brigadier Bo Pellnas, who says he witnessed the US "fabricating fact to suit their own needs." Pellnas says he witnessed this first-hand when he led an international force which safeguarded the borders between Serbia and Bosnia in the mid-1990s, where he gained a very good insight and understanding of US operations. "The technical superiority of the US gives their politicians the option of bringing forth fake evidence, in this case in front of the United Nations Security Council."

Pellnas served in Yugoslavia during a time when US efforts, led by then Secretary of State Madeline Albright, presented evidence to the UN Security Council that Milosevic's Belgrade government ran unmonitored arms shipments. Pellnas claims that Albright's staff presented manipulated satellite photos to document false allegations, leading the Security Council to act in accordance with the US hard line against Milosevic.

"There might be a possibility that Albright thought the pictures to be true," says Pellnas, "but several incidents pointed towards the fact that the US lied." The US stood firm by their claims, refusing to show supporting evidence to Pellnas and other members of the peacekeeping crew.

"If the US were to come forth with evidence against Iraq which were "difficult to confirm," the permanent members of the Council will be put in a difficult situation, since they lack the sufficient tools to research and verify such claims."

Pellnas said he hopes that nations of the European Union make it their responsibility to build their own intelligence agency which has the capability to act as a counterbalance to the US. "It would be great indeed if the EU could act as a balance to the world's only true superpower, which acts alone these days."

In addition to his UN duties, Pellnas was also in charge of an international monitoring mission to Yugoslavia in 1994 sponsored by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and worked with the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (ICFY), a group established in 1991 to find a peaceful solution to the region's conflicts.

NLPWESSEX, natural law publishing